What: Networking Meeting, Residency Programs
Facilitator: Lisa Richter, PharmD, BCPS
Discussion Points:
PharmAcademic Changes
- New 2014 Standards
- Preceptor Development
- Non-traditional Residency Programs
- Anything else that is brought up for discussion!
When: July 14, NOON
Who: NDSHP Members and those interested in Residency Program Development in our region
Where: Please follow this link http://www.ndshp.org/event-1914624 to find the calendar invite, joining details, and other resources related to this meeting.
If you have any questions, email us at admin@ndshp.org !
Methods to join the meeting:
1. **ND BTWAN system.
- Joining this way would be the best - we will be able to see faces! You will be able to see the presenter, see your colleagues across the state, hear the presentation, and see the slides. All of the hospitals in ND have interactive TV hard wired into them – it is the BTWAN system and is often used for Emergency Preparedness.
- Please see attached and below for the contact person in your hospital to set up this meeting up for you. A recurring meeting for the second Tuesday of every month can be scheduled. BTWAN Contacts for ND Hospitals
- This is already on the calendars at the ND Department of Health. Clint’s contact information at the DOH: edtech@nd.gov<mailto:edtech@nd.gov>, 701-328-1331<tel:701-328-1331>
2. Conference Call and Screen Sharing
Please share with your colleagues that are interested in becoming NDSHP members. This is a great opportunity to “Lunch ‘n Learn”! Please let us know if you have any questions admin@ndshp.org