What: Networking Meeting, Ambulatory Care Practitioners
Facilitator: Natasha Petry, PharmD
Internal Medicine Medical Home Pharmacist
1. Ambulatory practice reimbursement
2. Collaborative practice agreement development
3. What type of services are being offered? (MTM, Chronic disease management, etc.)
4.. Ambulatory Care Self-Assessment Tool
5. Transitions in Care
When: September 8, Noon
Who: ND Pharmaicsts
Where: BTWAN Units/Teleconferencing and Screen Sharing
If you have any questions, email us at admin@ndshp.org !
Methods to join the meeting:
1. **ND BTWAN system.
2. Conference Call and Screen Sharing
Please share with your colleagues that are interested in becoming NDSHP members. This is a great opportunity to “Lunch ‘n Learn”! Please let us know if you have any questions admin@ndshp.org