What: Networking Meeting, Small & Rural Hospitals
Facilitator: Zach Marty, PharmD
Quentin Burdick Memorial Healthcare Facility - Belcourt, ND
When: November 10, NOON
Who: ND Pharmaicsts
Where: BTWAN Units/Teleconferencing and Screen Sharing
If you have any questions, email us at admin@ndshp.org !
Discussion Points:
1. 340B Orphan Drug Ruling
2. Small/Rural Drug Cache
3. Drug Supply Chain Security Act
4. Ambulatory care practice - current and opportunities
Methods to join the meeting:
1. **ND BTWAN system.
2. Conference Call and Screen Sharing
Please share with your colleagues that are interested in becoming NDSHP members. This is a great opportunity to “Lunch ‘n Learn”! Please let us know if you have any questions admin@ndshp.org